1. Day 16
Today I sold all of the 20 Covetors produced and all Medium Trimark Armor Pump II, I decided to reinvest into T2 rig production again, and invested around 1 billion ISK, and made 108 million ISK profit, all in all, and at the moment I am in loss of just 100 million ISK, if the things go this way in the next two weeks I expect, a healthy profit of around 1 billion ISK to be made in total in the second month.
2. Some Plans
I have found some profitable items to manufacture, and I will be looking into the possiability of making them in the upcoming days.
I don't think that in the end it will be necesary from me to put shares on the market, as it seems that I can manage my operations without extra capital.
In this blog you will follow a life of a trader and industrialist with daily updates in an online game Eve Online
петак, 20. април 2012.
среда, 18. април 2012.
Month 2 Day 15
1. Day 15
Today I invested 1 billion ISK into production, around 599 million ISK went into manufacturing of Covetor, 289 million ISK went into Medium Trimark Armor Pump II, and 219 million isk into production of 125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, also the batch of 760 AutoCannons is done and will be sold tomorrow.
I will produce 20 Covetors, for around 2.5 million profit each, I bought 2 BPCs each has 10 runs, so two slots go on that, it will be done in about 10 hours, so it will be some nice ISK income and fast.
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II, I will make 5 of those, the will be done in 6 hours 40 minutes, I am using 5 slots for them.
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II will take my 3 slots for now, when all of this is done it will maybe go for more or I will reinvest again in some other items that I have set my eyes on.
Today I invested 1 billion ISK into production, around 599 million ISK went into manufacturing of Covetor, 289 million ISK went into Medium Trimark Armor Pump II, and 219 million isk into production of 125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, also the batch of 760 AutoCannons is done and will be sold tomorrow.
I will produce 20 Covetors, for around 2.5 million profit each, I bought 2 BPCs each has 10 runs, so two slots go on that, it will be done in about 10 hours, so it will be some nice ISK income and fast.
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II, I will make 5 of those, the will be done in 6 hours 40 minutes, I am using 5 slots for them.
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II will take my 3 slots for now, when all of this is done it will maybe go for more or I will reinvest again in some other items that I have set my eyes on.
уторак, 17. април 2012.
Month 2 Day 13
1. Day 13
Today I decided to invest around 700 million ISK into production of Drakes, at the time I decided to make them their price was 65 million ISK in Jita, and the cost was around 52 million ISK to maket them, so it was a good investment. I bought 3 BPCs ME: 75, PE: 10, Runs: 5 for 2.2 million ISK each, I could make 15 of them. I bought the minerals, created a contract for hauling to my manufacturing station, and started up the production, which took 13 hours, later, I checked the prices again and it turns out that they have fallen to 55 million ISK a piece. My profit with taxes will be around 16 million ISK, which is not good, well I will at least have my money back and some extra.
Also I am finishing up a production of 125mm Gatling AutoCannon II 770 of them to be precise, an the estimates are that I will be landing around 200 million ISK profit from that. My invention is also up and running again, tomorrow I will have some new BPCs to make one item that I will test in the following days, investment is minimum, and the profit is around 50% in the early estimates, we will see how that goes.
In the invention I invested around 120 million ISK today, totaling me a loss for the day 13 around 900 million ISK.
2. Month 2 so far
Curently I am in loss of 1.4 billion ISK, plus in the upcoming days I will have to buy a new PLEX, with all the projects going on I am hoping to start generating profit in around 7 days from now. I am a bit pessimistic and I honestly doubt that I will have any profit at the end of the month, but lets hope for the best. The loss of 600 million ISK is really killing me, and now seeing that hauling costs almost nothing, I am droping my plans to train for a freighter, because it will be a waste of 30 days for training for one, and also I have to buy one for around 1.2-1.3 billion ISK, also there is a risk of losing it and at the moment I am not ready to take that risk.
With all that in mind I now don't know what to train Nikola Dorcolac for, maybe return to my main, and train him up for PvP, or invest time into PI, or make another manufacturing character, I have to decide which one will bring me the most fun.
Today I decided to invest around 700 million ISK into production of Drakes, at the time I decided to make them their price was 65 million ISK in Jita, and the cost was around 52 million ISK to maket them, so it was a good investment. I bought 3 BPCs ME: 75, PE: 10, Runs: 5 for 2.2 million ISK each, I could make 15 of them. I bought the minerals, created a contract for hauling to my manufacturing station, and started up the production, which took 13 hours, later, I checked the prices again and it turns out that they have fallen to 55 million ISK a piece. My profit with taxes will be around 16 million ISK, which is not good, well I will at least have my money back and some extra.
Also I am finishing up a production of 125mm Gatling AutoCannon II 770 of them to be precise, an the estimates are that I will be landing around 200 million ISK profit from that. My invention is also up and running again, tomorrow I will have some new BPCs to make one item that I will test in the following days, investment is minimum, and the profit is around 50% in the early estimates, we will see how that goes.
In the invention I invested around 120 million ISK today, totaling me a loss for the day 13 around 900 million ISK.
2. Month 2 so far
Curently I am in loss of 1.4 billion ISK, plus in the upcoming days I will have to buy a new PLEX, with all the projects going on I am hoping to start generating profit in around 7 days from now. I am a bit pessimistic and I honestly doubt that I will have any profit at the end of the month, but lets hope for the best. The loss of 600 million ISK is really killing me, and now seeing that hauling costs almost nothing, I am droping my plans to train for a freighter, because it will be a waste of 30 days for training for one, and also I have to buy one for around 1.2-1.3 billion ISK, also there is a risk of losing it and at the moment I am not ready to take that risk.
With all that in mind I now don't know what to train Nikola Dorcolac for, maybe return to my main, and train him up for PvP, or invest time into PI, or make another manufacturing character, I have to decide which one will bring me the most fun.
недеља, 15. април 2012.
1. Update
At the moment I am still strugling to recover from my loses from that suicide gank, I am around 500 million ISK in loss this month so far, and I have upcoming obligation to buy another PLEX, I hope that I will at least have positive balance at the end of this month.
Couple of items that I made, are falling down in prices, so my profits are getting really low, I am looking of new items to make in order to make some better profit margins.
Sorry I didn't have any updates last few days, it is because nothing important happened, I didn't want to post just numbers.
2. Revisiting Future Plans
As the things are going I doubt that I will make 7-10 billion ISK for this month, mostly because I didn't trade at all last few days, and my manufacturing items are falling in price, also 5 billion ISK profit from manufacturing also won't happan I guess. Medium POS will be up next month if my estimates are right.
I got a third account, buddy program, and I am training him for PvP, I will see how much I can get in 51 days of the account duration, but I itend to pay for that account on regular basis, not with ISK, but with real life money.
3. Investment Opertunity
I am thinking of releasing the shares to the market so I can finance my operations to the full potencial, but I need to find a way of doing this that will satisfy both, me, and investors. I will keep you posted on this topic.
At the moment I am still strugling to recover from my loses from that suicide gank, I am around 500 million ISK in loss this month so far, and I have upcoming obligation to buy another PLEX, I hope that I will at least have positive balance at the end of this month.
Couple of items that I made, are falling down in prices, so my profits are getting really low, I am looking of new items to make in order to make some better profit margins.
Sorry I didn't have any updates last few days, it is because nothing important happened, I didn't want to post just numbers.
2. Revisiting Future Plans
As the things are going I doubt that I will make 7-10 billion ISK for this month, mostly because I didn't trade at all last few days, and my manufacturing items are falling in price, also 5 billion ISK profit from manufacturing also won't happan I guess. Medium POS will be up next month if my estimates are right.
I got a third account, buddy program, and I am training him for PvP, I will see how much I can get in 51 days of the account duration, but I itend to pay for that account on regular basis, not with ISK, but with real life money.
3. Investment Opertunity
I am thinking of releasing the shares to the market so I can finance my operations to the full potencial, but I need to find a way of doing this that will satisfy both, me, and investors. I will keep you posted on this topic.
четвртак, 5. април 2012.
Month 2 Day 2
1. Day Analasys
Today I made a total profit of 68 million ISK, with a profit margin 3.58%, but also I have invested around 54 million on T2 rig invention.
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2. Manufacturing so Far
In the second month I am currentlly at loss in manufacturing department of around 720 million ISK, totaling my loss at 347 million ISK including previous month in which I made around 370 million ISK. Keep in mind that the items are being produced at the moment, and I am waiting to finish all of the production so I can haul my goods to Jita, most likely using an hauling services. When I am done selling all the items I will hopefully recover my losses from that suicide gank, and will land me some nice profits, alowing me to reinvest into this again. Invention is going according to plan, nothing to say about that part for now.
среда, 4. април 2012.
Month 2 Day 1
1. Day Analasys
Today I decided to invest into manufacturing and make those T2 BPCs that I have, there are mod BPCs, T2 rig BPCs, and some T2 ship BPCs, so i went out there and bought all the materials needed and the end cost ended up to be around 1.6 billion ISK, it would have been 1 billion ISK if there weren't that suicide gank. I had to buy some of the materials again, and I guess I won't be reaching my goal for this month, I need to recover fast from this, so as my slots are runing their jobs I will push trading more.
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Today I decided to invest into manufacturing and make those T2 BPCs that I have, there are mod BPCs, T2 rig BPCs, and some T2 ship BPCs, so i went out there and bought all the materials needed and the end cost ended up to be around 1.6 billion ISK, it would have been 1 billion ISK if there weren't that suicide gank. I had to buy some of the materials again, and I guess I won't be reaching my goal for this month, I need to recover fast from this, so as my slots are runing their jobs I will push trading more.
2. First Suicide Gank
I have been suicide ganked for the first time now, and I lost around 600 million ISK, I wasn't flying AFK to my manufacturing location or anything, it was just bad luck for me, and great luck for the ganker, he targeted me as I was warping from one gate to another, from now on on such large operations I will use courier services, better to give 25 million as a reward to hauler, than to lose 600 million ISK, at least untill I get my own freighter.
уторак, 3. април 2012.
First Month Report
1. Day Analasys
Today I earned 108 million ISK, which is a bit low, considering my predictions were around 150 million, but to be honest I didn't play that much today, so better that than nothing.
As you can see in my first month I made 2.7 billion ISK, this is somewhat low, as I have seen the potential profit, I started manufacturing maybe 7 days ago, and made around 370 million ISK very fast and I am looking at around 50% profit margin from manufacturing, so in next month I will be focusing more to manufacturing, as the profits are really high. In invention i invested a total around 539 million ISK, but you may say now that it is a bit high considering how much I made with manufacturing, please keep in mind that at the moment I have 90 T2 BPCs that are waiting to be manufactured, so the costs of that will be easily covered.
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2. Month Analasys
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As you can see in my first month I made 2.7 billion ISK, this is somewhat low, as I have seen the potential profit, I started manufacturing maybe 7 days ago, and made around 370 million ISK very fast and I am looking at around 50% profit margin from manufacturing, so in next month I will be focusing more to manufacturing, as the profits are really high. In invention i invested a total around 539 million ISK, but you may say now that it is a bit high considering how much I made with manufacturing, please keep in mind that at the moment I have 90 T2 BPCs that are waiting to be manufactured, so the costs of that will be easily covered.
3. Plans for Second Month
I am planning on expanding manufacturing buisiness, I hope that my manufacturing slots are running 24/7, hopefuly I can reach 5 billion ISK JUST from manufacturing. Invention is going good so far, I don't think that any changes will be made in that area, I just might get a copy alt or maybe 2 copy alts, because I have the skills on two characters for invention, also the corporation "Dorcol Trading" doesn't exist anymore, I movede Nikola Dorcolac to "Dorcol Research ltd" so I can also invent with this character. I will also continue doing trading as much as I can, at the moment I have a lot of liquid ISK, so investing into manufacturing and invention will not affect my trading buisiness. Depending on how much time i play, and how much luck I have I hope to make something between 7 and 10 billion ISK next month.
Goals for Secong Month
- Get manufacturing slots running 24/7
- Make a copy alt
- Run invention 24/7
- Get a medium or large POS (if needed)
- Make just from manufacturing 5 billion ISK
- Start training for a freighter
- Make a total of 7-10 billion ISK (trading + manufacturing)
We will see at the end of the second month how much success I had. I would also like to hear your thoughts on that as well so feel free to comment, let me know do you think it is possible to make 10 billion a month or is it just fiction.
понедељак, 2. април 2012.
Day Analasys 2
1. Day Analasys 2
Today I didn't play that much, I just sold the stuff I manufactured for around 800 million ISK, but didn't trade anything else besides that, just some buy orders god filled, nothing big, tomorrow I will be selling all those things, I am expecting around 150 million ISK profit.
2. End of Month
Tomorrow will be the end of my first month of doing buisiness and using spreadsheet, so expect a monthly report, I am quite happy with how things went for me, a lot of ISK was made, and a lot of skills have been trained, i expect a good growth in the upcoming second month, we will see how it goes.
3. Looking for
At the moment I am looking for large quantities of speciffic ammo types, so if you, or your corporation is interested in building some for me, at decent prices, don't hesitate to contact me via Evemail, if I am not answering your convo invite, that means I am just afk, I am not ignoring, so don't get upset.
Today I didn't play that much, I just sold the stuff I manufactured for around 800 million ISK, but didn't trade anything else besides that, just some buy orders god filled, nothing big, tomorrow I will be selling all those things, I am expecting around 150 million ISK profit.
2. End of Month
Tomorrow will be the end of my first month of doing buisiness and using spreadsheet, so expect a monthly report, I am quite happy with how things went for me, a lot of ISK was made, and a lot of skills have been trained, i expect a good growth in the upcoming second month, we will see how it goes.
3. Looking for
At the moment I am looking for large quantities of speciffic ammo types, so if you, or your corporation is interested in building some for me, at decent prices, don't hesitate to contact me via Evemail, if I am not answering your convo invite, that means I am just afk, I am not ignoring, so don't get upset.
недеља, 1. април 2012.
Day Analasys
1. Day Analasys
Today I suffered a loss of 212 million ISK, mainly due to some investments into manufacturing and invention. Into invention I invested around 38 million ISK, I am just testing some waters with that, in the upcoming days I hope to have more investments into that area. And in manufacturing went major part of my funds today, around 350 million ISK and I am expecting around 50-80 million ISK profit from that.
2. Upcoming Investments
I have finished some invention and I got 58 T2 BPCs with 10 runs ME and PE -4, so I will invest into manufacturing those items, we will yet see how much ISK will be needed for that investment. As far as invention goes, I am as I said earlier testing some items and the market, so in the upcoming few days there won't be any big investments in that area.
3. BPC Aquisition
So far I had no big issues with the T1 BPCs for invention, but as my buisiness grows it turns out that I will need one character just to copy the BPOs, so I will be looking into training one as soon as possible. I will have two characters for invention and manufacturing and one for copying. It just needs time.
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2. Upcoming Investments
I have finished some invention and I got 58 T2 BPCs with 10 runs ME and PE -4, so I will invest into manufacturing those items, we will yet see how much ISK will be needed for that investment. As far as invention goes, I am as I said earlier testing some items and the market, so in the upcoming few days there won't be any big investments in that area.
3. BPC Aquisition
So far I had no big issues with the T1 BPCs for invention, but as my buisiness grows it turns out that I will need one character just to copy the BPOs, so I will be looking into training one as soon as possible. I will have two characters for invention and manufacturing and one for copying. It just needs time.
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